
Current Place of Worship

Current Place of Worship

Outdoor Prayer Pavilion

Outdoor Prayer Pavilion


In the late 1990s when the Doorway to Peace ministry was getting started, we found that many people did not want to attend the local churches because they are too formal. They felt they did not have appropriate clothing or offering to be a part of the congregation. So they would stay home.

Doorway to Peace found a solution by building an open air prayer pavilion in Faugasse, Haiti for worship and Sunday afternoon prayer meetings. The idea was that people would feel welcome no matter what they were wearing or even if they had no offering. People began attending regularly and the congregation grew and grew. Over the past few years, there has been huge increase in converts. Now the open-air pavilion can no longer accommodate the number of people coming to church service.

The waiting area of the clinic is large and is currently the place for worship. There is an urgent need for a new church building. Doorway to Peace is raising funds for a new church.